About Ephesus

Ephesus in Bible – 7 churches of Revelation

Ephesus in Bible - Biblical Ephesus

Ephesus in Bible – Biblical Ephesus Today, thousands of people from all over the world, come to this ancient city of Ephesus. They come to the spectacular relics to buy t-shirts for their grandkids and little images of the goddess Artemis who was worshipped 2000 years ago. But, 2000 years ago, people came to Ephesus […]

Terrace Houses in Ephesus City

Terrace Houses

Terrace Houses Terrace Houses were the luxury apartment building of people who were propertied class in Ephesus, established on terraces on the slopes of Mount Bulbul. The houses were built in the peristyle, adjacent to each other, each consisting of two flats. Some of these houses date to the 1st century B.C. from the finds […]