About Ephesus

Hadrian Temple

Hadrian Temple Ephesus Turkey

Hadrian Temple Ephesus Turkey

Hadrian TempleHadrian Temple is located on Curetes Street next to the Slope Houses of Ephesus City. This attractive monument dates back to 2. Century AD and it is unlikely the name may not be dedicated to Roman Emperor Hadrian.

It has a well-decorated facade which is supported by four Corinthian columns supporting a curved arch, in the middle of which contains a relief of Tyche, goddess of victory.

Inside the temple, above eggs or strands of pearls decorated door, there is a human figure which could be Medusa; snake hair creature of mythology. On the sides of Medusa figure friezes, depicting the story of the foundation of Ephesus, Gods, and Goddesses with members of the imperial family, are decorating Hadrian Temple.

Today reliefs on the temple are replicas, originals can be seen in the Museum of Ephesus.