About Ephesus

Ephesus Houses

Ephesus houses

Ephesus house and furniture Here you can find detailed information about the shape of the houses built in Ephesus, the rooms inside the house, and the items used in the house. In this way, we learn the shapes of the houses in Ephesus and the names of these houses and some of the items used […]

Strabo, author of Ephesus and Geographika

Strabo in Ephesus

Strabo is the author of Geographika, which is considered the basis for world geography. He is an author who is accepted as the knowledge reference of the ancient world. In this article, we will examine 3 main items that Starbo wrote for Ephesus. In his writings – the sections where Ephesus is mentioned – the […]

Ephesus theater actors and authors

Ephesus theater actors

Theaters are socialization centers of the ancient world. Theater is one of the most important places where Ephesians can relax and socialize after their daily lives. So much so that the most important stories are written, the decisions are taken, the world of gods and heroes is watched with interest and curiosity, and the theater […]

Ephesus Gods

Ephesus Gods and Artemis

Ephesus Gods Ephesus gods and goddesses Our ancestors created god figures in every sense. In this narrative, we will see the 12 most important gods in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In addition, the goddess Artemis, one of these gods, had a temple of Artemis, one of the 7 wonders of the world, in the […]

About Ephesus

about ephesus

About Ephesus Ancient Ephesus and History It is not a simple event to summarize the settlements of Ephesus with a history of approximately 10 thousand years and the history of Ephesus in the shortest possible way. Because the city of Ephesus and Ephesians is one of the ancient cities that left their mark on the […]

Festivals in Ephesus ceremony and procession

Ephesus festivals, ceremony and procession

Festivals in Ephesus and Procession Festivities The festivals and ceremonies held in the ancient city of Ephesus were organized to provide a ritual and a ceremonial feature of each of the calendar festivities that increase social cohesion and ensure the integration of an Ephesian individual or an Ephesian group with the society. According to this, […]

Ephesus City Management

Ephesus City Management

Ephesus City Management Administration of Ephesus City How was the administration of the ancient city of Ephesus? How did the rulers of the city of Ephesus make decisions, and who made the decisions? What were the administrative buildings in the city of Ephesus called in antiquity? Did these people working for the city of Ephesus […]

The Comedy of Errors -Ephesus, Shakespeare

This article is about Shakespeare's play

The Comedy of Errors  – Ephesus The play is a modernized adaptation of Menaechmi by Plautus. As William Warner’s translation of the classical drama was entered into the Register of the Stationers Company on 10 June 1594, published in 1595, and dedicated to Lord Hunsdon. The patron of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, it has been […]

Slavery in Ephesus

Slavery in Ephesus in the Hellenic and Roman Periods The word Slave in our time comes from the Slavs who were taken captive in the medieval period. The word rob, which means slave in the Slavic language, is the origin of the word robot. In addition, the word robota in the old Slavic language means […]

Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis in Ephesus Some structures in the ancient world were so fascinating and impressive that famous travelers of the ancient world agreed that these man-made structures should be seen. One of them is the Temple of Artemis in the ancient city of Ephesus. What made the temple of Artemis so special? On the […]