About Ephesus

The Comedy of Errors -Ephesus, Shakespeare

This article is about Shakespeare's play

The Comedy of Errors  – Ephesus The play is a modernized adaptation of Menaechmi by Plautus. As William Warner’s translation of the classical drama was entered into the Register of the Stationers Company on 10 June 1594, published in 1595, and dedicated to Lord Hunsdon. The patron of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, it has been […]

Virgin Mary’s House in Ephesus, Turkey

Pope in Virgin Mary's House

The story of the Virgin Mary’s House in Ephesus Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) It was through Anne Catherine Emmerich that the Shrine of Our Lady of Ephesus was discovered. While it is quite true that Mary’s cult was practiced in Christian Ephesus, and that one could speak of Our Lady of Ephesus in that sense, […]

Ephesus in Bible – 7 churches of Revelation

Ephesus in Bible – Biblical Ephesus Today, thousands of people from all over the world, come to this ancient city of Ephesus. They come to the spectacular relics to buy t-shirts for their grandkids and little images of the goddess Artemis who was worshipped 2000 years ago. But, 2000 years ago, people came to Ephesus […]

St. Paul Preacher – Bible Ephesus

St. Paul in Ephesus – Apostle Paul Paul starts his mission in Antioch the provincial capital of Syria. His followers were the first people to be called Christians, and he then keeps moving through all the big cities of the region. Seeking the places where the old religions are most powerful. People preach his message […]

Ephesus Council – Biblical Ephesus

Ephesus Council in Ephesus Ancient City It was gathered in the church of Virgin Mary in Ephesus in 431 because of the controversial teachings of the Patriarch of Istanbul Nestorius. Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria accused Nestorius of heresy and appealed to Pope Celestine I. The Pope agreed, authorizing Cyril to inform Nestorius that he should […]